
Recorded webinars available online on-demand

Advanced Facial Neuromuscular Retraining
Led by:
Jackie Diels and Susan Rankin
Date: Sunday 21st November 2021, 2.5 hours.
Webinar fee: £80 for members | £120 for non-members

The assessment and therapy management of facial palsy in children: an overview:
Led by: Sarah Kilcoyne
Date: Sunday 22nd May 2022, 2.5 hours
Webinar fee: £80 for members | £120 for non-members

Eye care, Taping and Post-Surgical Reanimation
Led by: Susan Rankin, Jackie Diels and Catriona Neville
Date: Sunday 20th February 2022, 2.5 hours
Webinar fee: £80 for members | £120 for non-members

Retraining normal movement patterns & strategies for delinking synkinesis
Led by: Susan Rankin and Jackie Deals
Date: Sunday 29th January 2024
Webinar fee: £80 for members | £120 for non-members

The psychology of facial palsy: what specialists in facial palsy should know
Led by:
Dr Kathleen Bogart, PhD
Date: Sunday 19th March 2023, 2.5 hours
Webinar fee: £80 for members | £120 for non-members

Management of Post Facial Paralysis Smile Dysfunction
Led by:
Dr Babak Azizzadeh, MD, FACS.
Date: Sunday 25th June 2023, 2.5 hours
Webinar fee: £80 for members | £120 for non-members

Vestibular Rehabilitation in the Facial Palsy Population
Led by: Sarah MacDowell
Date: Sunday 24th September 2023
Webinar fee: £80 for members | £120 for non-members

Upcoming Webinars

There are currently no upcoming webinars

Webinar Reviews:

“Thanks for another excellent webinar. Sarah’s enthusiasm and knowledge was exceptional and I really enjoyed the webinar. Thank you for organising more teaching for us!”

“These webinars are such a great way for facial therapists to keep up on their training.”

“These are amazing and I learn something EVERY time! Thanks for getting this up and running. I love to learn from all of you.”


If you have any ideas for future webinars, then please contact us at

Some ideas for future webinars could include the following:

Facial massage and stretches

Chemodenervation – theory and practical case studies and how to best combine BTX-A with therapy

Surgical reanimation techniques and pre/post-surgical therapy and evaluation

Paediatric surgery in facial palsy – therapy protocols, timing and tips

Telemedicine in facial palsy management

Bilateral facial palsy management (flaccid and synkinetic)

Trismus and TMD

Differential diagnosis in facial paralysis: Bells Palsy, RHS, tumours, trauma etc

Interventions for synkinesis especially neuromuscular re-education – techniques and practical tips on how to find the address of muscles and how to isolate specific movements, optimal verbal cues and surgery for synkinesis

Diagnostic ultrasound

Case studies – from assessment to treatment – the clinical decision-making process, treatment in action

In-depth post-surgical therapy for 5-7, 12-7, CFNG and temporalis procedures

Differential diagnosis in facial paralysis: Bells Palsy, RHS, tumours, trauma etc

Electrical stimulation – the case for and against

Open webinars for difficult case discussions

UMN facial paralysis

Basic psychosocial assessment and intervention when there is no psychologists to hand