Become a Member

Why should you become a member of FSTI?

Becoming a member of Facial Therapy Specialists International will enable you to liaise with other therapists working in the highly specialist field of facial palsy.

When you become a member you gain access to:

Members only downloads and information including patient resources and assessment tools

FTS International newsletters

Discounted specialist courses

Advanced practice webinars

Our exclusive members network list – where you can opt to be included and other clinicians can contact you to refer patients or set up local peer support networks

A closed Facebook group for networking, international peer support and patient advice*

Reference list of key journals and texts

Useful weblinks to other charities and professional sites

Our annual general meeting and opportunities to volunteer for committee roles

Conferences; including live treatment demos, guest speakers and opportunities to discuss complex cases with a panel of experts

We hope to further the field of facial palsy therapy through collaboration internationally and hope that you will join us as a member of Facial Therapy Specialists International.

Please fill in the form below to apply for membership. Membership is £28 GBP per year and is paid via an annual subscription with the first payment due on application. Please check your PayPal account to check payment has been successful and your email account to see the ‘Thank you for your FTSI membership application’ email. Please note membership is only open to registered physiotherapists, speech therapists and occupational therapists. Our educational opportunities are open to all healthcare professionals, members and non-members.